Tuesday, December 13, 2011

More Fish!

This week we have had a lot of fish hatching in our tank. Everyone is really excited! Yesterday we also replaced five gallons of water because it was starting to get foamy. We did make a mistake though. We poured the water over the egg basket and they went WHOOF. Most of them were kind of "tossed" out the basket and onto the gravel. But now it is easier to see them and when we have to take the egg sacs out, all we have to do is scoop the fish out and syphon them out. Our teacher has been very diligent about reminding us to keep track of the ATUs. Which stands for Accumulated Thermal Unit. It helps us keep track of when they will turn into fry.

Erin is currently at King Salmon, taking a Web Design and Excel class. She will be back on Saturday along with Kasie.

Tyler and I will be going to Dillingham on the 14th and come back the 15th. Its a Subsistence Science and Career symposium. We will be going with one student from Chignik Bay and two from Egegik.

Speaking of Tyler, he twisted a water bottle to look like a fish. Here is a picture.

We had our pizza feed on Saturday. It went really well. We got $658 dollars from donations and even more from having our store open. We even had pizzas left over that people could take home and bake. I will get pictures posted sometime next week.

Sorry about not posting on Friday, I forgot. But I had wrote it, just never posted it.

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