Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lots and lots of pictures!

Flying out of Chignik Lagoon

Flying into Dillingham

Local leaders talking about life experiences

Playing the icebreaker "Hee Haw Who"

From right to left is Gene Tagaban, Jack Dalton, and Tyler Arnold
Right to left is
Brianna, me, McKayla, Madison, William and Kaylynn
Right to left
Kasie, Madison, me, Kaylynn, McKayla, Brianna, and William
The Raven Dancer

Jack talking to us 
Passing the feather for the talking circle
Sitting at a table
Local leaders talking
Jack Dalton and Earl Polk
Earl Polk talking during a break out session
Me, William, and our group discussing our "Action Plan"
Our counselor and two others
Sharing our Action Plan

Jack telling a story
Everyone playing a game called Muk
Limbo contest
The last and biggest talking circle we had
Group photo outside the museum

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